Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My mother's day weekend didn't get off to much of a start.

Yesterday morning the kids woke me with a battle about whether or not I should open gifts on Saturday. There was a lot of high pitched screaming as one or the other attempted to protect their secrets from being spilled, thankfully it was resolved before I decided to simply call off the entire holiday.
Then came the news that a beloved childhood pet passed on late Friday night.
We agreed to stay in and mope.

However, this morning managed to pull into a lovely start. My oldest fondly recalls making soap together when she was little, and dh found someone to help her make (hopefully) safe soap for me. My youngest made a lovely coupon book, and instead of filling it with things like "good for one night free from washing dishes" she filled it with wishes that make me grin. I thought I'd share a few here. :-)

*I love my Mother. There's (almost) no one who loves you more than me.
*I'll clean the Earth for you.
* I wish you would lose all your allergies. [This one made me cry]
*I wish I could plant flowers for you and make them grow overnight.

I'll treasure it always.

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