I've dropped below a BMI of 18. According to most information on the net, this is considered serious and may have some health risks.
According to the entire medical system I currently have access to, they'd rather see me skinny than overweight so they aren't concerned. Even given my symptoms, which are deemed "functional" although they seem decidedly the opposite.
I've been advised to begin drinking soda, maybe snack on some potato chips. Eat ice cream between meals. Anything high in fat or sugar to help put the pounds back on.
I can't help but think that this is what's wrong with society.
It's not that I have anything against junk food in general. I think it's great for special occasions. But I know my body is not suffering from a sugar deficit. And I know that there are minimal nutrients in food like potato chips. And I was advised months ago, due to blood work, to lay off the sugar and fast food (that I don't eat).
I'm frustrated that pointing this out, respectfully, makes me seem obstinate and argumentative. It seems to make the medical professionals I'm consulting for support respond in a defensive, dismissive manner.
I get that calories are important and it's easier to get a lot of calories from junk food, but maybe our doctors and nurses and nutritional consultants need to be looking at more than simple calories. I read more and more articles online where nutrition is a focus. People are looking for superfoods like kale and chia seeds to cure all woes.
In my opinion (as a not so healthy feeling probably not average American without a medical degree) we need to be seeking balance. We need doctors and nurses and nutritionists who are more concerned about whole health and can look at a bigger picture, rather than 15 minutes stuff it in a box and move on to the next patient. None of us are truly text book cases, and we'll make a lot more progress as a society if we think and put pieces together properly.
Otherwise we're just trading out health problems. And I'm not sure I really prefer type 2 diabetes over "Huh, that's weird." I'd rather get to the root of the problem and fix it. Or at least not add new issues to old ones. I've got a life to live here.